Myofascial Release vs Massage

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Myofascial Release vs Massage

Category : Posture and Health

What is Myofascial Release? “Myo”- Muscle “Fascia” – The short version, think sheet of dense spiderwebs surrounding and penetrating muscle, nerve, organ, bone and skin tissue. So…Myofascial Release is the action or process of setting free these spiderweb like structures within the muscle and various soft connective tissues in the body.

What are the benefits to the client?Increase Flexibility and Movement  Reduce Pain associated with musculoskeletal pathologies ie…Whiplash, Frozen Shoulder, Scoliosis, Bow Legs( Knee Varus), Lordosis, Kyphosis, scare tissue etc. Enhance Postural Biotensegrity Improve Circulation 

How is it performed? There are various techniques that can be performed but mainly a gliding, scooping, or lifting application by way of fingers, knuckles, palms, forearms, elbows, or tool is performed by a licensed therapist or practitioner. Changes in the angle will determine at what depth the tissue is released. The speed at which the techniques are applied is very slow. Longer pauses in heavily restricted areas may be warranted.

What is proper attire? Men – generally wear shorts Women – generally wear shorts bra and shorts

Is there lotion or oil used?  No lotion or oil is used, typically more friction against the tissue is needed to stimulate the sensory receptors that tell the tissue to release.

Is it painful? Mild discomfort may be present in areas of high congestion and restriction

How long do results last? Results may vary based on individual medical history and presentation of symptoms. General reported improvement of symptoms can last for several weeks, months, years.  

Typical Price? Price may vary by therapist or practitioner, this is a specialized modality. 

What is massage?  Massage is also a form of soft tissue manipulation that uses predominantly gliding, kneading, and tapotement techniques with therapist choice of lubricant(oil, lotion)

Associated Words. Swedish, Deep Tissue

What are the benefits? Improved circulation. Stimulation of the lymphatic system. Reduction of stress hormones. Relaxation Reduction in muscle tension

How and what setting is it performed? Massage is usually performed in a relaxed setting, calming music, low lighting(depending on location) *typically a spa setting, 

What is proper attire? Client disrobes to comfort level and gets under a top sheet.

Note* Detailed Postural Assessment is usually lacking in these types of session.

How Long do results last?Reported client feedback a few days up to a week improvement of usual muscle tension.

Pain or Discomfort? A massage appt. is generally meant to feel good, although there are times when tender spots may cause mild discomfort.

Typical Price? Price set per area and facility discretion.

*Summary- While the benefits of these 2 forms of soft tissue release are similar myofascial release has a deeper lasting affect on the restoration of more serious musculoskeletal dysfunctions and pains. There is plenty of research to support this fact and I encourage you to checkout my research tab. There is still a very large benefit to getting “massage” just that for actual structural change results can be limited. 

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