Category Archives: Posture and Health

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“Understanding Postural Dysfunction in Children and Adolescents: Causes and Prevention Strategies”

By: Anthony Anderson HMS CPT CPX CPN CPPS LMT1408 SSI

As a parent or caregiver, you want to make sure that the children and adolescents in your care are healthy and thriving. Part of that means paying attention to their posture and working to prevent postural dysfunction. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what postural dysfunction is, how it can affect a child’s growth and development, and what you can do to prevent it.

What is Postural Dysfunction?

Postural dysfunction refers to a range of conditions where the muscles, bones, and joints are not aligned correctly. Poor posture habits, carrying heavy backpacks, and a lack of physical activity can all contribute to postural dysfunction. The increasing use of technology, including smartphones and tablets, has also been identified as a factor that contributes to poor posture in children and adolescents.

Physical Effects of Postural Dysfunction

Postural dysfunction can affect a child’s physical development in many ways. When the muscles, bones, and joints are not properly aligned, it can interfere with the growth and development of the bones. Poor posture can also lead to muscle weakness and imbalances, which can cause pain and discomfort. Children with postural dysfunction may experience headaches, neck and back pain, and reduced mobility.

Prevention Strategies

Preventing postural dysfunction involves promoting good posture habits, encouraging physical activity, and providing ergonomic support. Here are some tips to help prevent postural dysfunction:

  • Encourage children and adolescents to sit up straight and maintain good posture while standing or walking.
  • Ensure that furniture, such as desks and chairs, is ergonomically designed to promote good posture.
  • Encourage children and adolescents to take breaks from extended technology use, and monitor their screen time.
  • Encourage physical activity, such as walking, running, swimming, or participating in sports.

Diagnosis and Treatment

If you suspect that a child or adolescent has postural dysfunction, it’s important to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can diagnose postural dysfunction and recommend treatment options. Physical therapy and chiropractic care are two common treatments for postural dysfunction. In addition to professional treatment, parents and caregivers can help support the treatment efforts by promoting good posture habits and encouraging physical activity.


Postural dysfunction can have a significant impact on a child’s physical development and overall health. By promoting good posture habits, encouraging physical activity, and providing ergonomic support, you can help prevent postural dysfunction in the children and adolescents in your care. If you suspect that a child has postural dysfunction, seek medical attention to diagnose and treat the condition. With the right support and care, children with postural dysfunction can improve their posture and enjoy a healthier, pain-free life.

“The Importance of Proper Posture: Understanding Postural Dysfunction”

By: Anthony Anderson HMS CPT CPX CPN CPPS LMT1408 SSI

A question to the reader…Have you ever experienced back pain or discomfort after sitting for a long time? Chances are, your posture could be the culprit. Posture is the position in which you hold your body when sitting, standing, or lying down, a gross simplification. Good posture involves the correct alignment of the body’s various parts(ie…optimal length-tension relationships(muscles), adequate joint alignment, etc), whereas poor posture can cause discomfort, pain, and even long-term damage to the body. In this post, I will discuss the importance of good posture and the negative effects of postural dysfunction.

What is Postural Dysfunction?

Postural dysfunction is a term used to describe an abnormal alignment of the body that causes discomfort, pain, and impaired function. It can be caused by various factors, such as poor habits, lack of physical activity, injury, and disease. The most common types of postural dysfunction are forward head posture, rounded shoulders, swayback, and flatback.

Forward head posture occurs when the head is pushed forward, which can cause neck and shoulder pain, as well as headaches. Rounded shoulders occur when the shoulders are rolled forward, and the chest is concave, which can cause pain in the upper back and neck. Swayback occurs when the pelvis is tilted too far forward, causing the lower back to arch excessively, leading to back pain. Flatback occurs when the spine has a reduced curve, causing the back to become flat, leading to lower back pain.

Understanding the Importance of Good Posture

Good posture involves the correct alignment of the body’s various parts, ensuring that the muscles and bones are in their correct position. Good posture helps maintain a healthy spine, improves circulation, and reduces the risk of developing injuries. It also helps in breathing, reduces stress on the ligaments, and increases energy levels. In contrast, poor posture can cause discomfort, pain, and long-term damage to the body.

How to Achieve and Maintain Good Posture

It’s essential to ensure that you maintain good posture throughout the day, regardless of your activity. Here are some strategies to help you achieve and maintain good posture:

  1. Sit with your back straight, ensuring that your shoulders are relaxed, and your feet are flat on the floor.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, ensuring that your weight is evenly distributed on both feet.
  3. Use a pillow or cushion to support your lower back when sitting for an extended period.
  4. Avoid sitting in the same position for a prolonged time. Take frequent breaks to stand up, stretch, and walk around.
  5. When carrying a bag, try to use a backpack to distribute the weight evenly on your back.

Treatment and Prevention of Postural Dysfunction

In some cases, postural dysfunction may require treatment from a medical professional. Physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and massages can help realign the body, alleviate pain, and prevent long-term damage. In contrast, maintaining proper posture through exercise, healthy lifestyle habits, and ergonomic improvements can prevent the development of postural dysfunction.


In conclusion, good posture is vital to our overall health and wellbeing. Postural dysfunction can lead to discomfort, pain, and long-term damage to the body. Understanding and maintaining good posture can improve our quality of life and reduce the risk of developing postural dysfunction. By practicing proper ergonomics and maintaining healthy habits, we can ensure that we maintain good posture throughout our lives.

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Myofascial Release vs Massage

Category : Posture and Health

What is Myofascial Release? “Myo”- Muscle “Fascia” – The short version, think sheet of dense spiderwebs surrounding and penetrating muscle, nerve, organ, bone and skin tissue. So…Myofascial Release is the action or process of setting free these spiderweb like structures within the muscle and various soft connective tissues in the body.

What are the benefits to the client?Increase Flexibility and Movement  Reduce Pain associated with musculoskeletal pathologies ie…Whiplash, Frozen Shoulder, Scoliosis, Bow Legs( Knee Varus), Lordosis, Kyphosis, scare tissue etc. Enhance Postural Biotensegrity Improve Circulation 

How is it performed? There are various techniques that can be performed but mainly a gliding, scooping, or lifting application by way of fingers, knuckles, palms, forearms, elbows, or tool is performed by a licensed therapist or practitioner. Changes in the angle will determine at what depth the tissue is released. The speed at which the techniques are applied is very slow. Longer pauses in heavily restricted areas may be warranted.

What is proper attire? Men – generally wear shorts Women – generally wear shorts bra and shorts

Is there lotion or oil used?  No lotion or oil is used, typically more friction against the tissue is needed to stimulate the sensory receptors that tell the tissue to release.

Is it painful? Mild discomfort may be present in areas of high congestion and restriction

How long do results last? Results may vary based on individual medical history and presentation of symptoms. General reported improvement of symptoms can last for several weeks, months, years.  

Typical Price? Price may vary by therapist or practitioner, this is a specialized modality. 

What is massage?  Massage is also a form of soft tissue manipulation that uses predominantly gliding, kneading, and tapotement techniques with therapist choice of lubricant(oil, lotion)

Associated Words. Swedish, Deep Tissue

What are the benefits? Improved circulation. Stimulation of the lymphatic system. Reduction of stress hormones. Relaxation Reduction in muscle tension

How and what setting is it performed? Massage is usually performed in a relaxed setting, calming music, low lighting(depending on location) *typically a spa setting, 

What is proper attire? Client disrobes to comfort level and gets under a top sheet.

Note* Detailed Postural Assessment is usually lacking in these types of session.

How Long do results last?Reported client feedback a few days up to a week improvement of usual muscle tension.

Pain or Discomfort? A massage appt. is generally meant to feel good, although there are times when tender spots may cause mild discomfort.

Typical Price? Price set per area and facility discretion.

*Summary- While the benefits of these 2 forms of soft tissue release are similar myofascial release has a deeper lasting affect on the restoration of more serious musculoskeletal dysfunctions and pains. There is plenty of research to support this fact and I encourage you to checkout my research tab. There is still a very large benefit to getting “massage” just that for actual structural change results can be limited.